Thursday 28 September 2017

Postmodern Definitions

Modernity - keeping to a contemporary culture, going with the modern.

Structuralism - is looking for structures underneath cultures and behaviors.

Ahistorical - means that it cannot date, it remains outside of history. You could say that its "timeless."

Irreducible - cannot be reduced anymore or simplified.

Objective - outside the personal experience.

Transparent - Something "see through" or trustworthy. A modern solution that brings light to society. Uncovering mysteries of the world.

Universal - understood by everyone. For example Maths is a "universal language"

Definitive - its finished, they're no more versions.

Postructuralism - came after structuralism. It challenges structuralism, disagreeing with "one size fits all."

Reflexivity - a more effective analysis, a non biased opinion.

The Unreliable Narrator - was first used by Wayne C. Booth in The Rhetoric of Fiction. Meaning an untrustworthy or unpredictable author. Sometimes the narrator wont give away all the information away, leaving the audience with many questions.

The Enlightenment Project - 1668 - 1789 This began when people stopped looking to God and started finding their own truths through science and the universe around them. Known as the "age of enlightenment." This links to modernity as it was a modern way of thinking, bringing new ideas to a traditional culture.

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