Thursday 29 November 2018

Texture Projection for my Shapes

The shapes that are not physically used by The Mountain King will have a projected texture. I have completed this process for one shape and will do so for the other shapes.

Reference Planes

Creating a Plane

UV Editor

Creating a Projection Texture

Projection created

Retrieving the right file

Too many of the same shape
Scaling the Projection to the right size

Correct Settings

Lambert 3

Deleting it from scene

Outcome - Ready for Pre -Vis


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jen

    This popped up on Youtube (link below) and it may help you understand the tradition your project is tapping in to. It's part one in a three part series (part two and three are not online yet) about UPA / UPA style.

    Also, I keep forgetting to tell you that South Park is made using the same technique you are doing...Planes, textures, rigging/skinning, animation, and rendering all in Maya. So you are in doubly good animation company...UPA and South Park.

  3. Thanks Alan, this sounds really interesting. I'll have a look!
