Friday 11 January 2019

Reflective Statement

Project Reflection

This is the area of greatest challenge for me.  I prefer to work in 2D as opposed to 3D, however still using the software Maya and I knew that I wanted to use  UPA style animation.  For some reason, I am attracted to the simplicity of the flat cartoon look.  This may be because often it repeats its patterns and geometry and I feel comfortable working like this.  Whilst this may appear simplistic I still needed to work out how I could  achieve this style  in 3D software. I was concerned about creating transparent, 2D planes for all of the assets of my character, shapes and sets but was particularly worried about  creating my Mountain King Model in 2D planes.  This is because I have never rigged a 2D model before. I found this very challenging and I realise that just the thought of it made me feel quite anxious.  However some of this was made easier because I worked out how long it might take me and the steps I needed to take.  This made me realise that I prefer to work in a modular way, ie: collecting a set of tasks and being able to cross them off my list.

The king needed a front model, a left side model, a right side model and a back view too. I wasn't able to completely finish all the sides and at times struggled to create one side view.  However,  I feel a tremendous sense of achievement in completing the model and rigg that I have presented.  

Personal Reflection

This project has enabled me to really understand my learning style.  I know that I am task orientated and very literal and need  instructions to be set out in a clear, logical and often pictorial way.  Feedback from tutors has reinforced the fact  that I will often think in isolation rather than as  a continuum. I like a list and I like to cross things off my list and this is often more important to me than completing the whole tutorial, for example.  In reality, what this actually means is that I don't always absorb information and take it with me into the next step  - I almost have to relearn it, which can feel exhausting! Although I can often be frustrated by my inability to grasp things easily, I do persevere and was  determined  to see this project through to the end at whatever cost. 

Throughout the project, I tried to imagine myself in the workplace and consequently tried to trying to work and think as a professional rather than student. This was a challenge for me but I really tried to make decisions about my work rather than seek constant reassurance that I was on the right track or get someone else to tell me what I ought to do next.
This project has allowed me and helped me to grow in confidence.   I do feel a tremendous Sense of pride when I look at the work I have accomplished.  When I started this course, I honestly would never have believed I would still be here in year 3!  My journey has been long and hard.  The complexities of my dyslexia which affects the way I see life has often made this journey painful but I am so proud of my Mountain King, so far!

I am more  able to accept feedback and criticism and see it now as a positive intervention rather than a negative one.   This project seems also to have bonded the group as the strengths of all its different members have become identified.  All of the group are willing to help and assist each other and I have enjoyed this sense of togetherness.  I have been pleased that others have turned to me when they need to know what to hand in, or when they need to properly understand the task objectives for themselves.  This has made me feel like a valued and respected member of the group and this is important to me.

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