Wednesday 3 April 2019

Parachute Scene - More Progress

I've added some eye movement to each King and other extra movements too, such as arm/leg swings and head turns. Here is my Playblast:



  1. Hi Jen. I'm not sure this scene work yet. Mainly because I don't think your 'parachutes' read like they are parachutes (even if they are designed to have other qualities). For example, a parachute hold your weight by catching air, therefore the 'ropes' should be straight...because you're heavy. There should be an opening at the bottom of the parachute to catch the air too. See the clip art below...

  2. Thanks Alan - I have struggled with this concept for that very reason. They are not actually parachute. In my mind he is just using the shape in the style of a parachute - if that makes sense, but I hear what you're saying. Do you think it would work better if the shapes were more defined as parachutes?

  3. Hi Jen...see below
